“SmartGov – Advanced decision support for Smart Governance” is an interdisciplinary and international research project funded by JPI Urban Europe, a joint programming initiative, which aims to create attractive, sustainable and economically viable urban areas for European citizens and communities. The SmartGov project will last for 3 years and started on 1st April 2016 and will continue until end of March 2019. Research on literature of governance processes for urban planning forms the basis to create Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCMs). The design of the tool interfaces will allow to model and visualize complex problems in Smart Cities. The FCMs will be implemented, using Linked Open Data & Social Media. Innovate and create FCMs providing new methods, sustainable tools and guidelines which improve efficiency and are tailored to the needs of involved stakeholders. Strengthen participation through involving citizens and further stakeholders in the policy decision making process through visualization of decision scenarios in an easy and comprehensive way. Rise awareness and create knowledge about societal and economic needs regarding sustainable mobility and new energy efficiency policies.
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Donau-Universität Krems |
Department für E-Governance in Wirtschaft und Verwaltung; Zentrum für E-Governance |
digitalgovernment.wordpress.com |
JPI Urban Europe, |